

PROPOSAL SERVICE LEARNING SOSIALISASI BAHAYA MEROKOK DI MASYARAKAT DUSUN PUCANGANOM DESA  PUCANGSARI ■ LOGO ■ Disusun Oleh: XII MIPA 1 1. Devina Qurrotu A’yunin 2. Evelin Revita Ananda 3. M. Fairuzi 4. Nadia Tri Susanti SMA NEGERI 1 PURWOSARI  KABUPATEN PASURUAN   _________________________________________________ PEMERINTAH PROVINSI JAWA TIMUR DINAS PENDIDIKAN SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS NEGERI 1 PURWOSARI Jl. Pegadaian Purwosari No. 1B Telp (0343) 611067 Fax 613831 E-mail: PASURUAN KODE POS 67162 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pasuruan, 15 Agustus 2022 Nomor : 422/272/ Lampiran : Proposal Perihal : Permohonan Izin Yth. Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Purwosari di Tempat Dengan hormat,         Sehubungan dengan dilaksanakanya kegiatan Service Learning SDGs yang di rangkai dalam  bentuk kegiatan SMA Kerja Nyata dengan tema "Good Health and Well Being" mata pelajaran B ahasa Inggris ole...


                               ZAKAT FITRAH     My current experience is zakat fitrah ramadhan, I pay zakat fitrah at my new school, SMAN 1 PURWOSARI. I am very happy and grateful to Allah because I can pay zakat fitrah. Hopefully my zakat fitrah can be distributed to people who are less fortunate Message: Establishing prayers, paying zakat and bowing together with people who prostrate (Al-Baqarah: 43) Name : Nadia Tri Susanti Class : X Mipa 1 Number :  25 Tutor : Mr. Diana Herawati


                                  MALANG Malang City, Batu is a city that is famous for its very popular tourist attractions and is visited by many tourists or traveling. Why do I like traveling to Malang? Yes, because this city has various tourist attractions, be it natural attractions, entertainment attractions, or natural attractions that you can explore. This city is a must for you to visit when traveling to Malang. Some of the tourist attractions I visited in Malang: Jatim Park 1 there you will feel at home for a long time because of the cool air and enchanting scenery. Moreover, this spot is a modern playground that is so popular in Indonesia. there we can play and try the rides that are there Museum Angkut Going to Malang is incomplete if you don't visit this transport museum especially for those of you who often travel to Malang. Because in this museum of trans...


Green rice fields, cool air, and very beautiful scenery in this village which is located in Purwosari, Java, Indonesia


                           SAYGON WATERPARK Saygon Waterpark is a water-based tourist spot that is suitable for traveling with family, friends, or for meetings. What makes Saygon Waterpark famous is the simulation of flying a Boeing 373-400 aircraft Located in a cool and fresh area, it adds to the added value of this Saygon Pasuruan Tour. Saygon Waterpark offers rides that are suitable for all ages, therefore this tourist spot is perfect for holidays with family, couples, and friends. At Saygon Waterpark there are not only water rides, but there are also other rides where all the rides are guaranteed safe. This tourist destination is located in the Pasuruan area, the entrance ticket price is very affordable. Another advantage that this vacation spot has is the completeness of the facilities, where visitors don't need to be confused about finding a hotel because there are already cot...


                      THE BEAUTY OF MY VILLAGE This is my current village, "Desa Semut" in Pasuruan Regency, East Java-Indonesia My small village still has beautiful natural resources and is still very beautiful, so that the villagers feel comfortable and happy to live here On either side of the road there are rice fields and mountains This is the path I usually take. If you come here, you will find rice fields and mountains on the right and left of the road which are very beautiful Green rice fields "Sawah" is agricultural land for humans to grow crops, rice fields are usually used as a livelihood for the community Beautiful and cool mountains In these mountains, the natural ecosystem is still very well preserved, the air is still clean, and not much polluted.  The lush green hills are covered with various shady trees, adding to the original feel of the forest around the slopes of the mountains so t...


Teacher: Diana Herawati From Indonesia Name : Nadia Tri Susanti Class :  X Mipa 1  Number : 25 (WEEK 1) This is SDG number 4, namely Quality Education Message: Ensuring that education is inclusive and of equal quality and supports lifelong learning opportunitiens Photo with astronaut : (WEEK 2) With helm  SDGS No 3 . Namely Good health and well being Motto: Stay calm, don't panic, and stay productif.  Take care of your health from bow on to fight Covid-19 Increase Vigilance so that Covid-19 can be blocked and stopped Stick to health protocols Photo: (WEEK 3) Video if you want to see my video, click the link below 👇👇 VideoSDGs No.3 Of the video aims to ensure that we can reduce the number of deaths from the current Covid-19 transmission Message: Take care of your health so you don't get Covid-19. Follow health protocols and practice good things. everything starts with us so that we can become the successor of a good an...